Hi, I'm Jet.

(First Name) Jun Jet (Last Name) Tai.

That’s for those on the formal side.

I hail from the small, lesser known country of Malaysia, where I grew up in its capital - Kuala Lumpur. My current location is Tokyo, Japan, where I am currently interning for Sony AI. I classify myself as a software engineer, with a PhD specialization in AI and UAVs.

My interests lie in systems that augment human capabilities, such as aircraft fly-by-wire systems, reinforcement learning for next-best-move prediction, and modifying (Neo)Vim to create the world’s best code editor for myself. There is something truly uncanny about having a machine feel like an extension of self that drives my interest in everything I do.

This is not a place I brag about myself - GitHub, LinkedIn, and Google Scholar are there should you so be inclined. Instead, I intend to record lesser known things and projects that I’m doing here. However, if you insist: here’s my CV.