
Task Description#

This is a reinforcement learning environment for training AI agents to perform aerial dogfighting.


from PyFlyt.pz_envs import MAFixedwingDogfightEnv

env = MAFixedwingDogfightEnv(render_mode="human")
observations, infos = env.reset()

while env.agents:
    # this is where you would insert your policy
    actions = {agent: env.action_space(agent).sample() for agent in env.agents}

    observations, rewards, terminations, truncations, infos = env.step(actions)

Environment Rules#

  • This is a cannons only environment. Meaning there are no missiles. An agent has to point its nose directly at the enemy for it to be considered a hit.

  • The gun is only effective within lethal range. Outside of this range, the gun deals no damage.

  • The gun automatically fires when it can, there is no action for the agent to fire the weapon. This is similar to many fire control systems on modern aircraft.

  • An agent loses if it: a) Hits anything b) Flies out of bounds c) Loses all its health

Environment Options#

class PyFlyt.pz_envs.fixedwing_envs.ma_fixedwing_dogfight_env.MAFixedwingDogfightEnv(spawn_height: float = 15.0, damage_per_hit: float = 0.02, lethal_distance: float = 15.0, lethal_angle_radians: float = 0.1, assisted_flight: bool = True, sparse_reward: bool = False, flight_dome_size: float = 150.0, max_duration_seconds: float = 60.0, agent_hz: int = 30, render_mode: None | str = None)#

Base Dogfighting Environment for the Acrowing model using the PettingZoo API.


spawn_height (float): how high to spawn the agents at the beginning of the simulation. damage_per_hit (float): how much damage per hit per physics step, each agent starts with a health of 1.0. lethal_distance (float): how close before weapons become effective. lethal_angle_radians (float): the width of the cone of fire. assisted_flight (bool): whether to use high level commands (RPYT) instead of full actuator commands. sparse_reward (bool): whether to use sparse rewards or not. flight_dome_size (float): size of the allowable flying area. max_duration_seconds (float): maximum simulation time of the environment. agent_hz (int): looprate of the agent to environment interaction. render_mode (None | str): can be “human” or None