
Model Description#

The QuadX UAV describes a multirotor UAV in the Quad-X configuration as described by ArduPilot and PX4. It consists of four motors with implementations for cascaded PID controllers.


Two different models of the QuadX drone are provided. This option can be selected through the drone_model parameter. The available models are:

  • cf2x (default)

  • primitive_drone

Control Modes#

The control mode of the QuadX can be changed using the Aviary.set_mode or specifically calling set_mode on the drone instance itself. Inspired by pybullet drones by University of Toronto’s Dynamic Systems Lab. The various modes available are documented below.

Class Description#

class PyFlyt.core.drones.QuadX(p: BulletClient, start_pos: ndarray, start_orn: ndarray, control_hz: int = 120, physics_hz: int = 240, drone_model: str = 'cf2x', model_dir: None | str = None, np_random: None | RandomState = None, use_camera: bool = False, use_gimbal: bool = False, camera_angle_degrees: int = 20, camera_FOV_degrees: int = 90, camera_position_offset: ndarray = array([0., 0., 0.]), camera_resolution: tuple[int, int] = (128, 128), camera_fps: None | int = None)#

QuadX instance that handles everything about a quadrotor in the X configuration.

register_controller(controller_id: int, controller_constructor: type[ControlClass], base_mode: int) None#

Registers a new controller for the UAV.


controller_id (int): controller_id controller_constructor (type[ControlClass]): controller_constructor base_mode (int): base_mode

reset() None#

Resets the vehicle to the initial state.

set_mode(mode: int) None#

Sets the current flight mode of the vehicle.

flight modes:
  • -1: m1, m2, m3, m4

  • 0: vp, vq, vr, T

  • 1: p, q, r, vz

  • 2: vp, vq, vr, z

  • 3: p, q, r, z

  • 4: u, v, vr, z

  • 5: u, v, vr, vz

  • 6: vx, vy, vr, vz

  • 7: x, y, r, z

  • vp, vq, vr = angular velocities

  • p, q, r = angular positions

  • u, v, w = local linear velocities

  • x, y, z = linear positions

  • vx, vy, vz = ground linear velocities

  • T = thrust


mode (int): flight mode

update_control(physics_step: int) None#

Runs through controllers.


physics_step (int): the current physics step

update_last(physics_step: int) None#

Updates things only at the end of Aviary.step().


physics_step (int): the current physics step

update_physics() None#

Updates the physics of the vehicle.

update_state() None#

Updates the current state of the UAV.

This includes: ang_vel, ang_pos, lin_vel, lin_pos.